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Borussia Dortmundの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 15ページ):

Lars Ricken - BVB - success (Borussia Dortmund) - 2014年3月5日
Address: Lars Ricken c/o Borussia Dortmund Rheinlanddamm 207-209 44137 Dortmund 01.03.2014 - 05.03.2014 4 photos personalized and signed Photos: Please my facebook page

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Henrikh Mkhitaryan (Borussia Dortmund) success :) - 2014年2月7日
Sent a request (LOR, SASE) to Henrikh Mkhitaryan. Address: Borussia Dortmund Rheinlanddamm 207-209 44137 Dortmund Received signed & personalized card <img src= Sent: 08.01.14 Received: 07.02.14 Here you can see the pic: https://www.facebook.com/janasautographs http://surfmypictures.com/image/cb5d167 ... 0h4v6.html Envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/cb5d167 ... xaz2o.html ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please <img src= my facebook page <img src=

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Borussia Dortmund: Lewandowski + 2 other players success! - 2014年2月4日
What I sent: A letter of request and a SASE (have German stamps, got them by trade) When I sent it: About three weeks ago What I got back:Signed Club Cards from Lewandowski, Blaszczykowski and Piszczek When I got it back: Yesterday Photos are on my page, including the envelope. Link to my page: http://www.facebook.com/Saltys.super.autographs Like my page! Thanks J - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund) success - 2013年11月20日
Sent email 2 weeks ago, Received a signed card by Marco and a poster too, Sent email request to German Fußball Bund http://www.bvb.de/Impressum Pic: -

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Borussia Dortmund Success - 2013年4月7日
I sent LOR and SASE to Borussia Dortmund Abteilung Öffentlichskeitsarbeit Rheinlanddamm 207-209 44137 Dortmund Germany and received four signed cards of Mats Hummels, Lukasz Piszcek, Roman Weidenfeller and Jürgen Klopp. Date sent: 01.03.2013 Date received: 06.04.2013 No scans

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