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Hector Elizondoの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Hector Elizondo Success - 2024年5月8日
Via website submit request: https://www.celebritymerch.com/HectorElizondo.html sent an request 20-3-24, 8-5-24 receive pre-print signed photo. http://surfmypictures.com/image/f5saeccf3djfr9kn/44d43.html

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Hector Elizondo autopen vibs. - 2024年4月21日

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Hector Elizondo - 2022年8月28日
Sent: 06/08/2022 Received: 23/08/2022 - 1 photo (pre-print) Used email address: https://www.celebritymerch.com/HectorElizondo.html Photo is on my website: https://autograph-world.blogspot.com/2022/08/254-hector-elizondo.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/3vlc3.html

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Hector Elizondo success (PP) - 2014年1月25日
Sent 21.10.2013 http://www.celebritymerch.com Received 25.01.2014 - -

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Hector Elizondo success - 2013年9月24日
Elizondos first major role was that of "God" in the play Steambath, for which he won an Obie Award. Since then Elizondo has participated in over eighty films and has made numerous television appearances. He is probably best known to the television audience as Dr. Phillip Watters on the CBS television series Chicago Hope created by well known television creator David E. Kelley. He has won both an Emmy and ALMA award and was nominated for a Satellite Award and several SAG Awards for playing this role. He is one of only two people to remain on the show for its entire run, the other being Adam Arkin. mailed photo 10-31-12 received signed 8x10 7-15-13 used: Hector Elizondo c/o Teitelbaum Artists Group 8840 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 - -

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