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Jarrod Schulzの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Jarrod Schulz and Brandi Passante (Storage Wars) Success - 2013年9月26日
Today I received three fan mail responses in one day! In one of my envelopes, I received a photo signed by Jarrod Schulz and Brandi Passante from Storage Wars! On September 26th 2013 I mailed them a fan letter and a self addressed stamped envelope, and received a very nice signed 4x6 photo that they provided in my self-addressed stamped envelope on September 26th 2013. This is a great success! Sent to Now and Then 810 North Tustin Street Orange, CA 92867 Scanned photos can be found at http://petersautographs.blogspot.com/20 ... sante.html - - ~Peters Autographs PetersAutographs.blogspot.com

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Jarrod Schulz and Brandi Passante X2 - 2013年1月5日
Hello all im new hear and i love the forum this is my second success. Sent out on 12/20/12 Recieved on 01/04/13 They are my favorite on the show me and my wives favorite.. - btw i love the forum!

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Jarrod Schulz and Brandi Passante Success - 2012年7月21日
this is my 2nd success since being on this site and my first Overseas success Sent: Friday 13th what: LOR, SAE and some dollars recieved:today Saturday 21st July what:A 6X4 pre-signed and dedicated photo and a Letter. address used: Brandi Passante and Jarrod Schulz 810 north tustins st Orange, CA 92867 - I only included $1 and my SAE had 3 stamps (which i think $1 wouldnt be enough) so they paid the rest of postage so sweet Im a Huge storage wars fan so i was like [ugotmail when i saw my Luminescent pink envelope today!!!

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Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante SUCCESS. 7 day wait! - 2012年7月17日
Jarrod and Brandi are from the tv show storage wars, Its a great show! : ) Address: Database Sent: 06.29.12 Recieved: 07.6. 12 Photo & Envelope: http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =160513053 Letter: http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =160513054

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Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante Storage Wars Success - 2012年7月4日
I bought something off http://www.nowandthensecondhandstore.com in late june and it came today(July 04 2012) autographed by Jarrod and Brandi -

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