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Mary Costaの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 15ページ):

Mary Costa Success - 2013年7月19日
Sent a letter, a SAE, return postage, two photos, and a blu-ray cover to Mary Costa on May 23rd, received July 18th. She signed the two top photos, our Blu-ray cover, and added the two bottom photos. The left one is dedicated to our daughter specifically, and the right to all of us. She even returned the return postage. Gorgeous handwriting. Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 USA -

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Mary Costa - 2013年7月9日
- Fast success! sent: 7-1-13 recieved: 7-9-13 used address in database Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 USA

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Mary Costa Sucess # 2 - 2013年7月8日
received signed photos from Mary Costa. I had already received from her but must have sent twice. signed my 2 8X10s and send a smaller pic of herself. I dont know when it was sent, but I received it on 7/8 Used address in database Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 USA - https://www.facebook.com/RicsAutographs?fref=ts

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Lovely Mary Costa Success :) - 2013年6月28日
I absolutely adore Mary Costa and I sent her a LOR around 10 days ago and yesterday I received three signed photos from her. I am SO happy I sent to her... what a lovely lady. She sent me a gorgeous photo of herself with a personalisation on the right hand side and on the left hand corner I believe it says Same birthday! April 5th! Yeah! as we share the same birthday which I mentioned in my letter <img src= - She also sent me a Sleeping Beauty generic signed photo with her name and Sleeping Beauty signed: - And then she sent me the same Sleeping Beauty image again but with To My Dearest Friend Jade Stokes added (how sweet!): - If you are a fan of Mary, Disney or Sleeping Beauty, you must send to her. She is incredibly generous and such a kind, sweet lady. Aged 83, and signing AND posting all of this fanmail herself is really a lovely thing.

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Letter from "Sleeping Beauty" (Mary Costa fan mail SUCCESS) - 2013年6月9日
Hi! Im an opera apprentice from Romania and this is my first Mary Costa fan mail success. <img src= A week before her 83rd birthday (which is on 5th of April), I sent soprano Mary Costa (also known as the voice of Sleeping Beauty in Walt Disneys 1959 movie) a DVD with my Sleeping Beauty covers as a birthday present. She was so kind as to send me 6 signed photos, 3 DVDs with some of her opera recordings and a letter. The package was sent on 20th of May and I received it on 6th of June. Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 USA - - - - - -

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