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Steve Downesの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Steve Downes (Voice of Halo's Master Chief) succues! - 2012年10月23日
I sent Steve a LOR, SASE and my Halo 3 poster which came free with the game on October 2nd and received back today signed and personilised to me. I was very surprised to get this back actually. I sent it to an address on the database which I then learnt wasnt the "up to date" address but I still heard back! My SASE as an address on the top which is from Chicago so whoever received my letter in New York kindly passed it on. Also I dont believe the address on my envelope actually matches the one now on the database. I hope he didnt have to pay too much or anything extra to return it to me as there are a lot of stamps on the envelope. Though if he did I am very thankful. Poster - Envelope - The address I originally used: Stewart Talent 318 West 53rd Street Suite 201 New York NY 10019-5741 USA The address in the database: Steve Downes Stewart Talent 58 W. Huron Chicago, IL 60610 USA

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Steve Downes Success! (Halo) - 2011年11月15日
SENT: LOR, SASE, 2 game cover, 2 photos on 10/11/2011 to the address in the database RECIEVED: 11/14/2011 - My brother, dad, and I are huge fans of Halo since the beginning so I was very excited to recieve this in the mail today. <img src= Unfortunetly, he spelled my name wrong, but no biggie! Very happy with it.

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Steve Downes Sucess [Old] - 2011年5月16日
Steve Downes Innovative Artists Chicago, Inc. 225 West Ohio Street Suite 320 Chicago, IL 60654 Wait Time:4 Months - -

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